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I'm Back!
Monday, August 31, 2009
it's been three long years since my last post here. time really flies fast! I can still remember writing my nonsense synthesis blog for my Communication 100 subject and now I don't write paper works for school no more! haha. currently, Im working as an O.A. in one of the best company in the metro. well.. when I say best, it is because I am with the best people I never imagined working with. I am very thankful and blessed that I am given the chance to work there. yey! about my personal life..uhh.. I can say that I've been through a lot already, 3 long years is enough to say that I am more mature and a stronger individual now. I've cried a lot of tears and laugh a lot and still I'm trying to survive life because that's how it should be right? I'm happy not because of anything else but because whatever happens I know God will never leave me not unlike those people who promises forever but just leave you hanging, so whatever might happen to me in the near future I'll just leave it all unto Him..^^
--Mary HAD a little lamb--
11:06 PM

Maribeth Sy
June 14
what i had!
|June 2006|
|August 2006|
|August 2009|
thank yous!
|adobe photoshop|